Pukulan Menghentikan Layanan Eurostar Channel Tunnel Antara London dan Eropa

Strike Halts Eurostar Channel Tunnel Service Between London and Europe

Lalu lintas kereta api di bawah Selat Inggris secara bertahap kembali normal pada hari Kamis setelah berakhirnya pemogokan tak terduga oleh pekerja kereta api yang telah memblokir Terowongan Channel, menahan penumpang dan menyebabkan beberapa jam kekacauan perjalanan hanya beberapa hari sebelum Natal. Clément Beaune, Menteri Transportasi Prancis, mengumumkan pukul 7:30 malam di Paris bahwa penutupan … Baca Selengkapnya

Program Bedah Bariatric Rumah Sakit Bellevue Diperiksa Oleh Negara Bagian NY

Bellevue Hospital Bariatric Surgery Program Is Under NY State Scrutiny

The New York State Department of Health is scrutinizing Bellevue Hospital’s use of unlicensed technicians to assist doctors in weight-loss surgeries. Bellevue, a large public hospital in Manhattan, churns thousands of low-income patients through bariatric surgery every year, The New York Times reported this month. Doctors are paid in part based on the volume of … Baca Selengkapnya