Sayap kanan jauh Perancis memimpin pemilihan cepat saat Macron kehilangan popularitas

Partai National Rally (RN) sayap kanan jauh Prancis tampaknya unggul jelas dalam putaran pertama pemilihan cepat untuk kendali rumah bawah parlemen, menurut proyeksi pertama. Presiden Emmanuel Macron Ensemble (Bersama) aliansi centristic, yang dipimpin oleh partai Renaissance nya, tampaknya tergelincir ke tempat ketiga dalam putaran pertama pemungutan suara, menurut hasil awal yang dilaporkan oleh stasiun TV TF1 dan France 2 segera setelah pemilihan ditutup pada hari Minggu. Jumlah kursi yang akan diterima blok akan diputuskan dalam pemilihan lanjutan pada tanggal 7 Juli. The result is almost certainly a defeat for Macron, who had gambled that early elections would magnify the majority held by his party in the lower house. France would face tough negotiations to form a coalition government. The security forces in France prepared for the possibility of unrest in some major cities on the evening of the first round of voting. Forecasts show Marine Le Pen’s right-wing populists and allies could become the strongest force in the lower house. Macron’s supporters are at risk of falling to just 60 to 100 seats. Candidates securing an absolute majority in the first round are elected to the assembly, but in most constitutions, the winner will only emerge after the second round on July 7. Macron called the snap election after National Rally made large gains in elections to the European Parliament at the beginning of this month. The result will have significant implications for the remainder of his term and reshape French politics. If RN secures a majority in the 577-member National Assembly, Macron will have to appoint a prime minister from its ranks to secure a stable Cabinet, such an outcome will have serious consequences. Macron’s term runs until 2027 and his office is not at stake, but the results could have major implications for the rest of his term and reshape French politics. If the RN secures a majority in the 577-member National Assembly, Macron will have to appoint a prime minister from its ranks to secure a stable Cabinet, such an outcome will have serious consequences.